Friday, 7 October 2011

kett creative arts

we looked at the kett creative arts website. this website showed you lots of things to help with the task in hand. it showed how people have done it before and past examples. also there was a blog telling you what things meant and how films/telivision shows put it across. As most of there videos was on vimeo, i went to the site and searched kett creative arts. nothing came up, so i kept going to the example blogs. Plus it shows past peoples work, so it's good to see that put across for us to look at.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - follow
    When you get there spend some time looking over other people's work and post ideas/thoughts onto your blog that you liked or even might use for your work.

    Good start Charlie. Now I need to see all of the aspects that we discussed in class, such as:
    B)shooting sequence
    C)location shots
    D)Full preliminary task of course
    E)Voice-over/narration/speech bubble annotation discussing choices you made in making this text.
    Lastly, start putting some thought into your main task over half-term; just loose ideas, but just get thinking about it.
