Sunday 8 April 2012


Monday 12 March 2012

My AS Media Studies Final video!

Untitled from charlie sexton on Vimeo.

Representation Of Age

This is a little project we did in class to show the Representation Of Age, We got some actors in one from the lower years of the school and a actor called tim seeley. This was to show how people you jugde by how they look and their age. This was made to stop it and to make the look of video like an advertisement.

Representation Of Age Short from craig gambell on Vimeo.

Thursday 1 March 2012


Editing was a quite hard for me. It didn’t go right from the start; first of all as I was filming on a Cannon camera so the files were MVI. The programme in school that I would have used for editing was Premier pro. However Premier pro does not let you use files such as MVI. I didn’t know this so I had to do some researching and look up why this was happening. I finally found out, so I had to use a programme called Sony Vegas 11. I have had never used this programme before so it was a new start for me. Before I started editing I watched a couple tutorials on how to get started on this programme and they helped, so I started editing. The first thing I did was sort out of all the clip and sort them into clips I wanted to use and clips I didn’t. Then it came to cutting the clips so it would cut out the “roll on action, action” which I used to tell the actors when I was filming and when I wanted them to act. After I did that it was time to put the clips together and start cutting clips down to where I wanted them. I have now added fades into it to show time passing and I am going to put in the opening title, which will be ‘the room’ this is because of the story line later on. I am going to add in some sort of music, it will be music that will set the feel of it and also get rid of the wind interference in one of the scenes.

 After my first final edit i got some feedback from people. The feedback i got was from the target audience which is young adults. I got them to coment on what i could do better and what they thought. They said that i should include some non diegetic sound. Also a title screen. With these feedback i changed it and adressed the issues and then made a final edit.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

How filming went!

The filming for the project was good. I did it on a Friday night. I started around 7pm and finished at 9:30pm. The time aloud me to shoot all the shots I wanted and more. The equipment I brought with me was a camera, a tripod, a storyboard and a suitcase. I used all my equipment. The first thing I did when we got the place where we was shooting the OTS is have a little meeting and tell all the actors what they where doing and how I would set up each shot. This made the actors know what to do and how to help me. I shot it in the way I wanted it from the shooting sequence. The actors co-operated well and there acting was good as they haven’t acted before. 2 of my actors did film studies and media so they were helping me out by reminding me of continuity error and as such. While I was filming I decided to shoot some shots I didn’t have on the storyboard as it would be good and I would have had more selection and ideas where popping into my head.  I shot each scene about 4 or 5 times so I could get the best shot and play with each shot by making the actor walk faster or something which would look better. Towards the end of the soot it was lightly spitting so it might have damaged the camera. So I made my mind up to stop shooting for 10 minutes until it passed, luckily it did so I could finished it. I checked the weather the day before and it said it would be cold and dry so I was not expecting this but I managed to cope and finish my filming without any errors and without the setting look different.

The Title
while filming i came up with the title name, It will be called 'The last stop'. It fits the theme and idea of it as he misses the bus and makes you think if the main character will die or not.

Monday 27 February 2012

Notes about filming

When I picked my actors I did some casting to see which roles would fit the actor and which character was the best for them. As the actors were my friends I knew which character would be the best for each of them, for example for harry partner he is quite aggressive so I made him play one of the kidnappers.
Character development
When I was shooting my OTS I was shooting each clip around 5 or 6 times. I did this to get the best out of the shot, also to tell the actor what they could better while they were acting. This made the character development work as they were then getting better at playing the part and I got the result I wanted.

Thursday 16 February 2012

analysis of OTS including conventions of our genre

we looked at Casino Royale, The Thing, 127 hours and Panic room.
what we looked at:
  • Use of sound incidental
  • Non-diegetic voiceover
  • Credits
  • Establishing shots
  • Exposition
  • How long and when does it end?
  • Editing
  • Mise en scene
  • Colour symbolism
  • Camera angles
Casino royale
This OTS is very loud and has a high tempo, It has a strong beat to it. It fits the Genre of a james bond film with all the action. All of the OTS is animated. Except from the last shot where it is his face. The credits are shown throughout the OTS. In the OTS it is people fighting which fits the genre also shows poker chips and cards. Also the character who is fighting is in a suite which fits the feel of the James Bond films. It flows along very well as it goes from one thing to another through animation and it works.

Panic room
The OTS of this film does not include any characters, But It does have Establishing shots. The sound is atmospheric, It fits with the city sound with the car noises and beeping. The OTS is bassically the credits. The credits are on building tops and made to stand out. They use slow Pan shots to show the name so you can read it and it stands out. It is 1:50 minute long. It drags along as there is not much happening in the shot. It cuts to different shots and buildings.

127 hours
The OTS to this film i very important. It is important later on in the film. The music is quite loud and upbeat. The drums are at a fast tempo. It fades out towards the end of the OTS which makes you know when it's finshed. There is a phone call in it where it goes through to voicemail so you hear another character who you don't know yet. They use the rule of thirds when putting on the credits and adding other peices of video. The establishing shots go from the city to the desert. So they change throughout. It introduces a character first. It shows him getting out of bed and getting ready. It is a long OTS but kit doesn't drag on as you are watching it as it has links and keeps you interested which the director is ment to do. the shot is cut up into 3rds, so at some point throughout the OTS there is 3 videos on the screen and different things happening. the transistions with the thirds slides up and down. There is very low lighting and shows it is the middle of the night or early morning. It includes some 'piece to camera shots' which shows him filming himself. It shows that he is happy and that he is removing himself from soieitcy and the town. It shows alot of traveling, and the contrast between the city and the desert.